Location: Ancaster Fairgrounds (Large Arena) 600 Trinity Rd S Jerseyville
Horses on Grounds: 7:00 AM with a 8:00 AM start Friday & Saturday & Sunday
Entry Deadline: Fresh Cattle Class Entries are due Wednesday Au gust 28 th 2024
Enter Online: No phone entries Must be an OCHA and/or NCHA member. Copy of registration papers required before show starts. Email to [email protected]
Payment: Cheques Ontario Cut ting Horse Association. NSF checks charged $50.00.
E-Transfer [email protected]
Order of Go Friday: 3 Yr Old Open, 3 Yr Old NP, 3 Yr Old AM, 4 Yr Old Open, 4 Yr Old NP, 4 Yr Old AM, 5/6 Yr Old
Open, 5/6 Yr Old NP, 5/6 Yr Old AM, Open, NP, Unlimited AM, 50 AM , 5 NH, 25 NH 5NH/NP , 25 NH/NP , 35 NP, 15 AM,
2000 LR, 1000 AM, 250 LR, Making The Cut, Ranch
Order of Go Saturday: 4 Yr Old Open, 4 Yr Old NP, 4 Yr Old AM, 5/6 Yr Old Open, 5/6 Yr Old NP, 5/6 Yr Old AM,
Open, NP, Unlim AM, 50 AM , You th , 5 NH, 25 NH 5NH/NP , 25 NH/NP, 35 NP, 15 AM, 2000 LR, 1000 AM, 250 LR,
Making The Cut, Ranch
Order of Go Sunday: 3 Yr Old Open, 3 Yr Old NP, 3 Yr Old AM , Open, NP, Unlim AM, 50 AM Youth , 5 NH, 25 NH
5NH/NP , 25 NH/NP , 35 NP, 15 AM, 2000 LR, 1000 AM, 250 LR, Making The Cut, Ranch
**Classes may not run in order listed & classes may run on same herd depending on class size**
Judge: Ryan Pearce AAAA
Secretary: Deb Carruth
Videographer & Announcer: Barb Mckenna & Dean Mougenot
Photographer: Speckled J Photography
Director in Charge: Eric Van Boekel & Amanda Law & Heather MacArthur
Food Service: Hungry Horse Food Truck
RV Camping Hookup: Hook Ups must be pre booked by Wednesday August 28 th 202 4
RV Camping 1 Night $75.00
RV Camping 2 Night $100.00
RV Camping 2 Night $1 2 0.00
RV Camping 2 Night $1 4 0.00
Camping with No Hookup 2 days $50.00
Camping with No Hookup 3 days 75 .00
Stalls: Stalls & extra s havings must be pre booked b y Wednesday August 28 th 2024
Stalls 1 Night $ 95 .00 (Includes 2 bags of shavings and stall clean out at end of
Stalls 2 Nights $1 15 .00 (Includes 2 bags of shavings and stall clean out at end of
Stalls 3 Night $1 35 .00 (Includes 2 bags of shavings and stall clean out at end of
Stalls 4 Night $1 55 .00 (Includes 2 bags of shavings and stall clean out at end of
Tack Stall $100 3 day weekend
Extra Shavings $10 per bag (must be pre ordered)
Youth are not permitted to ride stallions
Yearend Awards - Eligibility for OCHA year end awards, you must compete at 60% of shows during 2024 year &have OCHA membership.
Inquiries: ontariocuttinghorse @gmail.com